Red Rum - A film about a deeply disturbed rodent

Why hello there. It is of nice of you to have stopped by for a little bit of SQUIRREL INSANITY!!! This blog is for the production of my short film entitled 'Red Rum'. It concerns a paranoid red squirrel by the name of Rum, and the stress that is struck into his life by a certain grey squirrel moving next door. There is also a funny looking fox, by the name of Fox, involved.

Here I shall showcase the progress of my film. And perhaps a tad of the insanity that shall come with making it.


This is Rum. The main character of the film. Which is probably quite obvious. Another obvious statement is that he is a red squirrel. And a bit mental.

Tuesday 29 March 2011


So. Here is my animatic. I put some sound effects in, and even some squirrel 'dialogue'. There are still many sounds to be added but this is what I have so far.
Like my squirrel noises? I thought squeaky would be best, as they are squirrels after all. Just sounded like there was some lunatic in my house as I was recording them.

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